
3 Reasons All Professionals Need Business Cards

Sep 10, 2021

How important are business cards in this day and age? Well, everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion, but we feel it is as crucial as ever for business professionals to distribute and collect business cards.


The reasons below go into a bit more detail as to why business cards are important for pros in all industries.


1. Business Cards Provide All Of The Relevant

Information That Allows People To Follow-Up
After you leave a trade show, networking event, or any meeting, keeping tabs of all of the new names, titles & contact info can be a headache. Business cards keep everything organized & are a big upgrade over frantically scribbling notes on a note pad. Business cards serve as the ultimate canvas to convey pertinent information. It also adds a sense of credibility if one always has up-to-date business cards handy.

Unless your mega-organized, keeping track of all of your business cards may become a nuisance as your professional life advances. Many execs collect hundreds of cards every month! As with most processes in this day & age, there are technology-related tools that can help with this. If your Rolodex is getting a bit out of hand, you may want to consider a digital business card alternative like L-Card.


2. Business Cards Serve As Direct Marketing Assets

Your sales and marketing teams likely work hard on a variety of prospecting efforts like social media promotion, SEO & paid advertising. In addition to these important lead generation methods, professional business cards for all company employees tend to tie everything together on the direct marketing side. Each time a sales or marketing team member is in contact with a potential lead, it is important that they are armed with attractive cards that convey all of the right information.

You never know when you may run into the next big lead, so execs must ensure they’re always prepared and have cards handy. Going digital is one way to ensure that cards are always available & up-to-date.


3. Business Cards Convey That You Are Prepared & Ready To Do Business

Showing that you are prepared at all times makes a great first impression. Whether you’re finishing up a meeting with executives from a Fortune 500 company, or grabbing a late night drink at the hotel bar, those who have business cards handy will always have a much better chance of landing a deal. This shows that you are on your game as a professional because you came prepared.

So, stop frantically scrambling to find a pen & paper & take the steps necessary to be a professional. Business cards are your friend!

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